Sunday, June 6, 2010

The Sea Eagle Story Episode 2

Two eggs have hatched in the nest and the parents have been busy taking turns incubating them. The chicks hatched in about 25 days time. While I was eager to get a glimpse; it was near impossible as the nest was hidden in the leaves of the tree.

Two weeks have passed since the chicks hatched and then I got my first are the images.

One of the chicks looking out... the eyes are wide open and the chick is quite alert to the sorrounds.

The Older Chick is already flexing his wings.

Ole Peeping Tom!!

Ma and Pa take a breather

A Trip to the Land of Mowgli - Pench Tiger Reserve - Masurnala Gate

  Growing up, many of us especially the 80s kids would have at least heard about The Jungle Book! Rudyard Kipling's book about an Indian...