Friday, February 19, 2010

Nikon D5000 Experiments

After an almost endless debate with myself, I decided to buy an SLR. I picked up a Nikon D5000. While I'm still getting familiar with the workings, here are some pictures taken with the new camera. Graduating from a point and shoot to an SLR takes some doing and hopefully I'm getting there. Comments and Suggestions would be welcome!!!

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Some nighttime shots of the Bangalore sky and skyline...and skyrangers... Brahmini Kite and a Pigeon.

1 comment:

  1. The brahmini kite pic is superb...and the colors in the others are excellente.


A Trip to the Land of Mowgli - Pench Tiger Reserve - Masurnala Gate

  Growing up, many of us especially the 80s kids would have at least heard about The Jungle Book! Rudyard Kipling's book about an Indian...